Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here is a good example of how difficult of a person I am..just now at
Moes I got a little offended whenthe cashier said "merry Christmas" to
me. Even though I celebrate Christmas I don't like people making
assumptions about me. And it's not because I don't believe in god and
people assuming I do makes me mad (I'm not an idiot like those kinds
of "atheist", I'm not even an atheist...just really lazy and
apathetic), I just don't like anyone making an assumption about me.
How do you know I'm not fucking Jewish or a Jehova that hates Christmas?

I really should care about more important things than this....
Sent via iPhone


Sea Thief said...

You should, but people are also supposed to say the more all-inclusive "Happy Holidays" to customers as well. That's what I was always told at SBUX and now my current job.

And I believe the term you are searching for is "agnostic". Not that it really matters anyways!

Let's see the new tats.

Barrie said...

Dammit Zac. I said Merry Christmas to someone tonight and I usually say Happy Holidays and now I'm wondering if I pissed that person off myself.

Kimberly Julie said...

I got super offended the other day when a good friend of five years asked if I celebrate Christmas just because I am atheist. Religion is not the only thing that Christmas is about nowadays, let's be honest.

And Jehovah's don't "hate" Christmas. For a post about being politically correct and sympathetic about others religious beliefs, that was very politically incorrect, dontcha think?

Just some food for thought.

Ashley said...

I couldn't resist - Do you watch Steven Colbert?

He has a quote I love - "Agnostics are atheists without balls." : )

Zac Hobbs said...

Ashley: I'm not agnostic. I dont believe in god or any garbage like that, I just dont like being like "hey I am an ATHEIST, god dammit!." Religion and faith means so little to me that I dont even care to label myself as an atheist. If you dont believe in anything, rad. But i dunno, saying you are an atheist and wearing it like a badge of honor is sort of like another religion.

I just don't care at all about any of that. I think its silly to believe in god and all of that, I just think its even more silly to say you are an atheist.

But, all in all, I just don't care. I like playing guitar and records and etc. not religion, or talking about religion.

Kim: the "Jehova that hates Christmas" wasnt a generalization or saying that every Jehova hates Christmas. Just saying how did this girl know that I wasnt a Jehova that hated Christmas? I think if i was a Jehova i'd hate Christmas.

And none of this is about politically correctness. I dont give a shit about that. It was about how I get pissed about stupid little mundane shit. This wasnt some bigger picture "lets take a loot at ourselves and rethink the way we look at the world" kind of post. It was a "man, sometimes I am difficult for the safe of difficult" post