Monday, December 1, 2008

Just in case.

Order stuff needs to be brought to the van:

1. Guitar
2. Subs
3. Keytar
4. Stands bag
5. Kick pedal
6. Snare drum.
7. Merch and Cabel bins (3 total)
8. Mains (Speakers).
9. Mains (Rack).
10. Cable backpack
11. Sub 2
12. Guitar cab
13. Bass synth
14. Guitar head.
15. Floor tom
16. Rack tom
17. Other guitar.
18. Penis Missle.
19. Bass cab.
20. Costume bag
21. Kick drum.
22. Gear rack.
23. Cymbal bag.
24. Black Dahlia.
25. Red merch case.

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1 comment:

Ashley said...

In case of what? You forget what order they go into?

I hate when you're on tour. We can't ramble about nothing.