Anyway, back to the reasons as to why I still live in my parents basement. Oh, and by the way I still ate the aforementioned quesadilla. It looked like this:

And that’s not ketchup, its Taco Sauce. But when I was like, 5, my mom use to make Beef Taco’s and I would put ketchup all over them. Fucking gross right?
Anyway, back to those bands...
Die Benny (May 2007 – Present)
So yeah, I nothing crazy happened at our last Die Benny show and I didn’t have to quit, which is awesome because I think Die Benny is probably the most interesting band I have ever been a part of. That’s to say that in Die Benny I can really do whatever the fuck I want on guitar and its all fair game. Shitty two hand finger tapping? Awesome. 90 second pop punk songs that end in a tornado of noise and dissonance? Fuck yea. All encompassing wall of noise made by 11 effects pedals that I don’t really need? You go it. Never before have I been in a band with a group of guys that not only give such a little shit about what people think of them, but also almost go out of their way to do the opposite of what people want and expect out of our band. At our show last night Jeff Honea left his bass at the venue. Just to give you and idea here of how things work.
Mapmaker (March 2008-August 2008)
So Stephen Floyd and I had this idea that we were going to start a band that sounds like Lemuria and ride on Lemuri’s coattails, and success was going to follow. There some old saying about “plans” and “mice” and “men” that I cant remember but was the title of a book (speaking of which, Of Mice and Men is without question the most depressing, unnecessary book in all of English Literature. Not only does it serve no purpose, but there is no theme, no point. Its just sad because sad seems to make it have meaning but in reality writing a book that sad isn’t deep and just makes you look like a real sonofabith), but anyway, this plan was, surprisingly, not as bulletproof as we had expected. Although Stephen and I wrote some very enjoyable songs, we never played one show and never did anything other than record a bunch of songs that have no vocals. In all honesty, Mapmaker hardly qualifies as a band, and I think one of the main reasons why I include it is because it is responsible for producing the only song I’ve ever written where I don’t play one powerchord. Yeah.
It’s late and even though I cant sleep I suppose I should try to since I have to wake up at 6:55. Dogs need food and water and have to piss and shit regardless of when I go to bed.
We’ll continue this boring odyssey soon.
1 comment:
I'm 27 and still live at home.
.....that probably doesn't make either of us feel better about it though.
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