Saturday, February 23, 2008

More Movie Bullshit

I need to get a life. Seriously.

If you have been reading this pedantic garbage I have been posting on hear this year (all none of you), then you might remember that not too long ago I posted a list of my 67 Favorite Films of the Past 67 Years. While I do really enjoy those 67 Films, they all pale in comparison to the following. What follows is, without question, the best piece of cinematic art to ever bestow the movie going public. At that film is....


I don't even really know how to describe it. When I was on tour with Worn in Red in Gainesville, Tony and Prat's roommate (I forgot his name) bestowed upon us Jerkbeast, the greatest film of the common era. The film documents the trials and tribulations of struggling punk band Steaming Wolf Penis as they rise to fame as the hottest band in America. With their hit song "Looks Like Chocolate, Tastes Like Shit," the band (complete with JerkBeast on drums), they became the best worst band in the history of the world.

Here is the trailer:

And, by the way, Steaming Wolf Penis is a real band. they Played South by Southwest last year. You can check out their songs here.

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