Monday, January 21, 2008

Say It Ain't the Afterglow

A couple nights ago I got into a light-hearted argument with a friends (sortof) girlfriend about how Weezer's "Say it Ain't So" is, without question, one of the most over-rated songs of the 1990's. Most people my age seem to have this assumption that the blue album is simply perfect. That is why most people my age are wrong.

While their are many exceptions to the following statement, I think that most Weezer fans love Weezer because they feel it says something about them. These are the most annoying kind of music fans; essentially, Weezer is the best copout in the history of rock Music. Saying that Weezers blue album is perfect is like saying that Citizen Kane is the best film ever made; casual fans wont argue with you for fear of looking uninformed, purist and nerds will say that it is indeed great, but their are certainly better works out there that most everyone has overlooked. And then there are assholes like me who just dont give a shit.

If you wonder if your friend uses music taste as a judgment of character, simply ask them their opinion on Everclear's "Santa Monica." If your friend responds to your question negatively or in any kind of condescending manner, they are the type of person that thinks musical taste says something about the type of person you are. However, if they genuinely enjoy the song, then they obviously don't give a shit about a persons musical taste, nor do they care what anyone thinks about their personal taste. People who love Weezer are the type of people who will berate you about your musical taste, even if you didn't ask them what their opinion was on the current LP you are listening to. "Say it Ain't So" fans constantly control the radio while driving, "Santa Monica" fans will listen to whatever with no little to no complaint. That is because there is nothing cool about liking Everclear. Everclear essentially wrote one song during their whole career, that they re-hashed over and over again. But that doesn't mean that it was a bad song to start with. "Santa Monica" is just as good of a pop song as "Say it Ain't So," the only defining line is that claiming that you love Weezer says something about the type of person you are, and enjoying "Santa Monica" basically means that you just dont give a fuck.

And that is why "Santa Monica" is my second favorite radio single of all time.

My number 1 is, without question, "The Impression that I Get" by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i think you're being a little harsh on Weezer. what about Pinkerton??

Chad said...

yeah dude. blue album is amazing. and pinkerton is amazing. both albums are amazing. i remember when i first got the blue album. i listened to it and heard "say it ain't so" and said that will be their next single. and it was. it's a good song. all the way through. i wouldn't lie. you know that. haha.

Sea Thief said...

I would say "Say It Ain't So" is an even more popular and played out song than that Everclear and Mighty Mighty Bosstones song. Ever been at ANY bar around closing time? Chances are they're blasting "Say It Ain't So" and every drunk motherfucker is singing along at the top of his lungs, arms flung around a buddy's shoulder, swaying in beer-fueled ecstacy. Also, there was a time where I couldn't play or attend a local show without at least one band covering the song.

I don't know if this supports or contests your point, but I will agree that I have known a few Weezer fans that were little snobby music bitches.

As an added note, the radio fucking blows. I'd rather sit in silence than have to deal with hearing that fucking Colbie Caillat song one more fucking time. Luckily I don't have to do that because I have my trusty iPod that I loaded up with about half your iTunes music collection the last time I was there while you were in the shower.

I guess that 'shower' detail wasn't absolutely necessary.